7 days Retreat in Gutshaus Parin, April 2023
Fri, Apr 07
|Hotel Gutshaus Parin
Join Lisa for seven days (6 nights) of intensive Non-duality talks in a beautiful vegetarian organic retreat center near the Baltic Sea.

Time & Location
Apr 07, 2023, 5:00 PM – Apr 13, 2023, 12:00 PM
Hotel Gutshaus Parin, Gutshaus Parin, Wirtschaftshof 1, 23948 Parin, Germany
About the Event
In this retreat Lisa will offer two talks a day. Although they will be predominately focused on non duality, Lisa is also happy to look at different seeking energies which create attachment to the separat self. Each participant will have time and space to focus on what is happening for them, and the opportunity to be guided back to the space which is already free, alive and present.
Tutoring fee for participants | minimum price is 300 euros, however you are welcome to pay more if you would like. Please fill-in the amount in the application form. The 300 euros includes: 19% VAT, organization fee, rental costs of the space, a support worker who helps with the event and two talks a day from Lisa Cairns.
- The accommodation, food and refreshments are not included in this price.
- There is accommodation in the Parin retreat house, nevertheless you may also choose other options close by, at your choice or convenience. Please fill in the registration form your choice.
- Please click here to find about accommodation and travel information
- Please click here for Hotel Gutshaus Parin website
- Please note Lisa can not accept payments for accommodation. Once you have booked the talks, you will receive an invoice for the tutoring fee and if you choose to book in Gutshaus Parin, an extra invoice will come directly from them. All participants please do not book via booking.com or directly on their website for Gutshaus Parin , as we have special rates, just fill in your choice in the booking form!
The Schedule
This is a rough schedule that may change closer to the event.
- 10am - 11am | yoga, or some type of body work (not with Lisa)
- 11:30 am - 01:00 pm | talk and Q&A with Lisa
- 4:15pm - 4:45 pm | meditation (not with Lisa)
- 05:00 pm - 06:30 pm | talk and Q&A with Lisa
Please note that the yoga/body work is not guaranteed, however, it is included in the price. If you are interested in offering body work, yoga, Tai Chi in the retreat in exchange for not paying Lisa's teaching fee, let us know.
Extra info
- If you wish to enjoy silence during the retreat, we will provide badges and will have a separate table in the dining room.
- No refunds of the ticket will be made 1 month before the event.
- The retreat begins at 5pm on the 7th April and ends at 12:00noon on the 13th April.
- Lisa is unable to offer one to one session in the event, if you feel you would need this, it is advisable not to attend.
There are people that would like to come but cannot afford the prices. If you would like to sponsor someone to come, or apply for a sponsorship, Emilia will be happy to help.
The closest airports are Hamburg and Lubeck. The closest rail station is in Grevesmuehlen.
For any information and further details please contact Emilia: emilia@lisacairns.com
BY pre-registering or signing in at registration on an event you understand, acknowledge and agree that:
· You are at least 18 years of age on the event day
· In the unlikely occurrence that at the last-minute Lisa would not be able to attend a retreat, due to an extreme situation – such as severe illness or immediate family illness or death, then either another non-duality teacher will replace Lisa, or refunds for the talks will be given.
· Attendees must provide their own health/travel insurance or obtain an EU health card and travel insurance.
· In the unlikely occurrence the retreat is cancelled for reasons beyond Lisa Cairns control, Lisa Cairns is not responsible for the attendee’s expenses.
By booking this retreat you are agreeing to the disclaimer found in the footer of the website.
7 days talks with Lisa Cairns
This ticket give you access to all talks with Lisa. Accommodation is to be booked separately.
Pay what you wantSale ended